dinsdag 13 mei 2014

[HOWTO] How to get the minimize hotcorner back in Ubuntu Gnome 13.10/14.04?

So for some reason Gnome deleted the hotcorner by which you could just move your cursor to the bottom left corner of your screen to minimize a window. I missed that feature so much in the new Gnome, so here's how I added it again:

1. Go to the Gnome Extension website to activate a plugin called 'Hi, Jack'. This extension turns the bottom two corners of the screen into hot corners.

2. Fire up a terminal and install xwit (which let you minimize windows using a command) using this command:
sudo apt-get install xwit
3. Download this script which uses xwit to minimize your active window. Make it executable by right clicking the downloaded script -> properties -> rights -> 'allow executing file'  (might be slightly different as I don't have an English version of Gnome)

4. Open up Gnome Tweak Tool, go to the extension tab en press the settings button from the hi, jack extension:

5. Point hi,jack to the script you just downloaded and you're done! :) Enjoy minimizing windows again using hotcorners!

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