zaterdag 8 maart 2014

[HOWTO] How to install Gloobus Preview on Ubuntu 13.10/14.04?

Gloobus Preview is a Gnome application based on Apple’s “Quicklook”, designed to enable a full screen preview of any kind of file.

Don't like the default preview software that comes with GNOME just like me? Want to install Gloobus Preview but you're getting an error saying that you don't have the right dependencies installed like this? 

Here's how I installed Gloobus Preview on Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 (this is only tested on a 64-bit system) :

1. First uninstall the meta-package named ubuntu-gnome-desktop as this would later give conflicts with some dependencies. Don't worry, by uninstalling this package nothing of your programs will go away, that's why it's called a meta-package ;) So uninstall using this command: 
sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-gnome-desktop
If you're on an other version of ubuntu (like ubuntu itself) you can have to use other package names. Eg. for ubuntu it's ubuntu-desktop

2. I made a modified version of the .deb package where the dependencies won't give you any troubles. Download both .deb packages: 

3. Use a package installer (like the Ubuntu Software Center or Gdebi) to install both packages. First install the gloobus-modified package, afterwards the gloobus-sushi package. 

4. Fire up a terminal and type the following command (this is to link a newer version of libgtksourceview, a dependency of gloobus, to an older one so gloobus can work properly): 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
5. Restart nautilus by typing this in a terminal:
nautilus -q 
6. That's it! You should now be able to use gloobus-preview. Go ahead an try the spacebar on a file in nautilus!

Questions? Comments? Ask away!

P.S.: I've put together my modified version of gloobus using this tutorial.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. "this tutorial" Link .. weird " "
    ,help page - this intentional ?

    1. I fixed the deb package from gloobus using the tutorial made for the same problem in the citrix package shown on that tutorial page :)
